Saturday, October 30, 2010

no pizza :(

I'm pretty careful with my money, so I haven't had much of an opportunity to really "sacrifice" anything in particular in order to give the money away. Until tonight that is! Tonight was laundry night. Note: I hate laundry night. So I always balance the crummy fact that I have to do laundry with the joyous fact that the laundromat is next door to my favorite pizza place. Yum. Yep, you got it. Laundry night = pizza night.

Until tonight. Because that slice of pizza costs $3.24. Plus I usually get a drink. So tonight I did laundry, went for a walk while the laundry was in the laundromat, and then came home, all without the faintest hint of a slice of pizza.
$3.24 has now been officially saved to give kids who are dying of thirst some water. I guess it was worth not having the pizza, haha.


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