Thursday, November 11, 2010

changed my mind?

When I started this project, I wasn't sure where my money should go or where I should serve. So I decided to support a well. Without praying about it. :)

I just finished reading "Red Letters" and at the back there is a list of specific ways you can help out.

And I learned about "gogo"'s, elderly village women who take in AIDS orphans.

And so I'm thinking/praying about supporting a village gogo instead.

Is it bad to change the specifics of my "commitment" when the actual commitment, to sacrifice my own wants and desires in order to have money to give away to a specific cause, remains the same?

Also, I currently sponsor a child from Armenia, but I'm thinking about adding a child from another part of the world.

I don't know though.

This is the part where I usually get stuck. There is SO MUCH need that I don't always know where or how to start. Usually that's an excuse for me to do nothing though, and that is the worst possible response.

So I'm going to commit to spending some time in prayer over it, and wait until I get an answer. And keep saving the money while I'm waiting.

Does anyone have any thoughts/advice?

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